How To Use A Wick Trimmer (and Yes, You Really Do Need One)
At Hotel Lobby Candle, we consider a wick trimmer to be an absolute necessity—on par with the likes of stellar toiletries, plush robes, and really great wine.
Unfortunately, it seems the rest of the world has yet to catch onto the fundamental need for a wick trimmer.
So, for the uninformed, we've put together a quick how-to.
Ideally, this process would occur prior to lighting a candle every single time.
1. Locate Your Candle (& Wick)
In order to properly use a wick trimmer, it is important that you have a specific wick in mind. First, access your wick trimmer. It should look like the above image. Then, find the wick you so wish to light and bring your wick trimmer towards it.
2. Open Wick Trimmer
With your dominant hand, open the wick trimer. In this case, you will be pulling your fingers apart.
3. Place Wick In The Wick Trimmer's Opening
Ever so carefully, bring your wick trimmer down so your wick is now within that opening we created (see last step). The goal is the snip off a bit of the wick's tip (around 1/4 an inch).
4. Close Wick Trimmer
Now, the climax. Close down on your wick trimmer, pulling your fingers back together.
If you've followed instructions closely, this should cause the top bit of the wick (previously between your open wick trimmer) to separate from the rest of the wick.
5. Discard Separated Wick Piece
Keeping your wick trimmer closed, carefully lift it up and out of the candle. Bring over to a waste bin and neatly place the separated wick piece within.
6. Get Lit
Light your candle and party. Given the difficult task you've just achieved, we believe you deserve a drink. Enjoy. And remember:
Don't be a dick. Trim your wick!
Looking for more candle tips? Read about how to burn your candle properly here, and check out these creative ideas for reusing your candle glass.
Posted in
candle tips, gift ideas